Mapping syntax:
<feltnavn i pdf template> := <@formula>
Mapping eksempler:
- D8256:=D8258_1
- D8284:=D8284
- Firmaoplysninger:=@Company("name")+" - "+@Company("address")+" - "+@Company("zip")+" "+@Company("city")+" - Telefon "+@Company("phone")+" - CVR "+@Company("vat")
- D8183_1:=@If(D8183_1<10;@Round(D8183_1;1);@Round(D8183_1;0))
- #LOGO:=37:775:200:100
- #K"PackagingMarkedLabelAccreditationCodeList_Denmark":D8007:=240:520:0:40:1:5
- #1:=37:640:250:100
- Indeholdt_i:=@Parent("D8165")
PDF Images
- #LOGO:=x:y:width:height:page
Insert company logo at position x, y at size widthxheight at page number 'page' - #1:=x:y:width:height:page
Insert image from URL in D8350_1 from the Base Unit. '1' is the grid row number - #P:=x:y:width:height:page
Insert image from URL in D8350_x from the Base Unit where "Is primary file" D4277 is Yes.
If no primary file is set, then it uses the first available image. - #<@formula>:=x:y:width:height:page
Use an @formula to evaluate the URL.- Example: #@GetEx("D8350_1"):=x:y:width:height:page
- #K<keyword list name:keyword value(s)>:=x:y:width:height:page:x padding:y padding
Insert image from keyword list with keyword name from master.- Example: #K"PackagingMarkedLabelAccreditationCodeList":D8007:=x:y:width:height:page
- #Barcode:=x:y
Insert EAN 13 barcode with GTIN from the base unit at position x, y.
Auto scale: set width and/or heigth to zero
PDF functions
- #TextWithAllergensInBold:=field name:field name for language:language:font size:x:y:margin:page
Inserts a paragraph in the PDF with the text for the chosen language with allergens marked in bold (based on the allergen filter). The paragraph is using the font size and is inserted at x:y with a margin on the selected page.
- @Text( expression ): Converts input to text
- @Text( 123.0 ) - returns "123"
- @FormatNumber( expression; decimals ): Formats number as text with x decimals
- @FormatNumber( 123.0; 0 ) - returns "123"
- @FormatNumber( 123.0; 1) - returns "123,0"
- @Uppercase( string ): Convert string to uppercase
- @Uppercase( "Hello" ) - returns "HELLO"
- @Lowercase( string ): Convert string to lowercase
- @Lowercase( "Hello" ) - returns "hello"
- @Length( string ): Returns the lenght of a string
- @Length( "Hello" ) - returns 5
- @Trim( string ): Trims a string and removes whitespace
- @Trim( " Hello World " ) - returns "Hello World"
- @Char( string; postion ): Extract a single character from a string. If position is negative, then count from back of the string
- @Char( "Jakob"; 2 ) - returns "a"
- @Char( "Jakob"; -1 ) - returns "b"
- @Char( "Jakob"; 10 ) - returns ""
- @Left(string; numberOfChars): extract a substring searching from left to right
- @Left(string; delimiter): extract a substring left of delimiter
- @Right(string; numberOfChars): extract a substring searching from right to left
- @Right(string; delimiter): extract a substring right of delimiter
- @Contains(string; substring): checks for substring within the string
- @Now: Returns the current date/time
- @Today: Returns the current date (time is 0:00:00)
- @Yesterday: Returns the date before today (@Today-1)
- @Tomorrow: Returns the date of tomorrow (@Today+1)
- @Date( year; month; day; hour; minute; second ): Creates as new datetime
- @Date( 1968; 22; 10; 18; 30; 00 )
- @Adjust( date; year; month; day; hour; minute; second ): Change a date
- @Adjust( @Today; 0;0; 14; 0; 0; 0 ) - returns a date 14 days from now
- @DateFromString(string): tries to parse the string as a date using YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS as pattern
- @DateFromString(string; pattern): tries to parse the string as a date using the supplied pattern
- @DateFromWeekNumber(week; year): returns the date of the Monday of the specified week and year
- @Created: returns the date/time of when the product unit was created in fmcgProducts
- @Integer( double ): Convert to int
- @Integer( 3.14 ) - returns 3
- @TextToNumber( string ): Convert a string to number using the current language/locale rules
- @TextToNumber( "3,14" ) returns the number 3,14
- @Sum( list [; list]): Calculates the sum of all parameters. Both numbers and list of numbers are accepted
- @Sum( 1:2; 3 ) - returns 6
- @Round( number; precision ): Rounds a number and returns a number
- @Round( 12.3456; 2 ) - returns 12.35
- @Round( 12.0; 1 ) - returns 12
- @Round( 12.3456; 0 ) - returns 12
- @Round( 12.3456; -1 ) - returns 10
- @Min( list [; list] ): Finds the minimum value of all parameters. Both numbers and list of numbers are accepted
- @Min( 1:2; 3 ) - returns 1
- @Max( list [; list] ): Finds the maximum value of all parameters. Both numbers and list of numbers are accepted
- @Max( 1:2; 3 ) - returns 3
- @IsUnique( list ): Returns false if list contains duplets
- @IsUnique( "A":"B":"C" ) returns true
- @IsUnique( "B":"B":"C" ) returns false
- @Unique( list ): Removes all duplets from the list
- @Elements( list ): Returns the number of entries in the list
- @Contains( list1; list2 ): Returns true if the two lists shares at least one element
- @Replace( source; fromList; toList ): Replace first occurence of values in fromList with values in toList
- @Replace( "A":"B":"C"; "B":"C"; "1":"2" ) - returns "A":"1":"2"
- @First( list ): Returns the first element in a list
- @Last( list ): Returns the last element in a list
- @MemberPosition(list; value): returns position of value in list
- @GetMember(list; number): returns specific value from list
- @Trim( list ): Trims a list and removes empty entries from the list
- @Trim( "A":"":"B") - returns "A":"B"
- @ToList(input; separator): returns a list based on input with the chosen separator
- &: AND
- |: OR
- @True, @All: Returns true
- @False: Returns false
- @HasValue( itemname ): Returns true if the item has a value
- @HasValue( "D8165" )
- @If( [condition; trueValue;] condition; trueValue; falseValue ): IT-THEN-ELSE statement
- @If( a>b; "Large"; "Small" ) - returns "Large" if a is greater than b
- @IsError( expression ): Returns true if the expression returns an error
- @IfError( expression; result ): If expression fails, then return result. Same as @If( @IsError( expression ); result; expression )
- @Set( itemname; value ): Same as itemname:=value
- @Get( itemname ): Gets a value from an item, e.g. @Get( "D8270_" + i )
- @GetValue( id; itemname ): Gets a value from the product with the specified id
- @GetValue(D8249_1+"."+D8255; "D8258_1" ); Gets the name of the child product (same as @Child( "D8258_1"))
fmcg functions
- @Id( expression ): convert number to an legal id = convert to string, trim for whitespace and removes leading zeroes
- @Id( "0012345.208 " ) - returns "12345.208"
- @Id( D8165+"."+D8255 )
- @HasId( id ): Returns true if the database contains a product with the specified id
- @Delete: Assigning @Delete (or @Null) to a field wil delete it
- @GetEx( itemname ): 'Intelligent' version of @Get. Uses the field list to determine if item is in a grid or should be found on the Base Unit
- @GetEx( itemname; language ): Same as @GetEx( itemname ) but with support for language.
- Example: @GetEx("D8181_1"; "en")
- @Grid( itemname ): Get all values in a grid column as a list
- @GridValue( itemname; searchItem; searchValue ): Returns the value of itemname from the first row where searchItem contains searchValue
- @GridValue( "D8258"; "D8259"; "DA" ): Returns the danish product name from the grid
- @GridValues( itemname; searchItem; searchValue ): Returns all the values of itemname where searchItem contains searchValue
- @BaseUnitGridValue("itemname"; "searchItem"; searchValue ): Returns from the base unit the value of itemname from the first row where searchItem contains searchValue
- @BaseUnitGridValue( "D8258"; "D8259"; "DA" ): Returns the danish product name from the grid from the base unit
- @BaseUnitGridValues("itemname"; "searchItem"; searchValue ): Returns from the base unit all values of itemname from all rows where searchItem contains searchValue
- @BaseUnitGridValue( "D8258"; "D8259"; "DA" ): Returns the danish product name from the grid from the base unit
- @ChildGridValue("itemname"; "searchItem"; searchValue ): Returns from the immediate children the value of itemname from the first row where searchItem contains searchValue
- @ChildGridValues("itemname"; "searchItem"; searchValue ): Returns from the immediate children all the values of itemname from the all rows where searchItem contains searchValue
- @Child( itemname ): Same as @Get but reads from the immediate children products (e.g. from a PALLET the @Child function will read from the CASE)
- @BaseUnit( itemname ): Same as @Get but reads from the base unit product (e.g. from a PALLET the @BaseUnit function will read from the BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH)
- @Parent( itemname ): Same as @Get but reads from all immediate active parent unit products (e.g. from a BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH contained in a case the @Parent function will read from the immediate CASE and from other immediate parents in which the base unit is contained) and returns a list
- @Hierarchy( itemname ): Returns a list with values from all products in the hierarchy (pallet/case/base unit). Order is from highest in the hierarchy to lowest.
- @Keyword( fieldname ): translate a field value to keyword value based on the field name only. The field name is used to automatically find the matching keyword.
- @Keyword( "D8255" ) - returns "Denmark" if the value of D8255 is "208"
- @KeywordLanguage(fieldName; language): translate a field value to keyword value based on the field name only. The field name is used to automatically find the matching keyword. The value is translated using the selected language.
- @Keyword( "D8255"; "da" ) - returns "Danmark" if the value of D8255 is "208"
- @Keyword( value; listname ): translate a keyword alias to a value
- @Keyword( "NACL"; "NutrientTypeCodeList" ) - returns '"Salt"
- @Keyword( value; listname; language ): same as @Keyword( value; listname ) but with language support
- @IsTop(): Returns true if the product unit is at the top of the hierarchi
- @AllergenToBold("itemname"; "language"): Converts contents of itemname to bold (<b>word</b>) using the fmcgAllergenFilter keyword document as filter input
- @AllergenToUppercase("itemname"; "language"): Converts contents of itemname to upper case using the fmcgAllergenFilter keyword document as filter input
- @GPCSegment("gpc brick code"): returns the GPC segment for the brick code
- @GPCFamily("gpc brick code"): returns the GPC famliy for the brick code
- @GPCClass("gpc brick code"): returns the GPC class for the brick code
Special functions
- @Param( name ): Returns a parameter from the Context
- @Company( itemname ): Same as @Get - but gets the value from the Company document